
Common Eating Disorders In Kids

Posted by Nt. Divya Gandhi   |   Date 25 Mar 2023

Eating disorders in children can cause major changes in their eating habits that can negatively impact the functions of their bodies, and their emotional stability.

Mostly, eating disorders in children include focusing intensely on weight, body shape, and food choices, leading to harmful eating behaviors. The child's ability to take appropriate nutrition is severely impacted. Eating disorders in children can turn their bodies into a powerhouse of diseases, to the extent of affecting their heart health, bones, digestive system, dental health, and mental health.


Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by low-weight, food restriction, body image disturbance, fear of gaining weight, and an overpowering desire to be thin. Children with anorexia nervosa commonly see themselves as overweight, although they are underweight, and often deny that they have a problem with low weight.

Some common themes for children with anorexia nervosa; a tendency to weigh themselves frequently, eating small amounts, only eating certain foods, exercising excessively, forcing themselves to vomit, or using laxatives to lose weight and control body shapes, and/or binge eat.

Apart from weight, anorexia may also be an unhealthy coping mechanism for emotional problems, perfectionism, and a desire for control.

Sign and Symptoms
• A low body mass index for the child's age and height.
• Amenorrhea, a symptom that occurs after prolonged weight loss, causing menstruation to stop.
• Dry hair and skin, as well as hair thinning.
• Massive Fear of weight gain.
• Rapid, continuous weight loss.
• Lanugo; soft, fine hair growing over the face and body.
• Chronic fatigue
• Orange discoloration of the skin, particularly the feet
• Halitosis; caused by vomiting or starvation-induced ketosis.
• Abnormally low blood pressure (Hypotension)
• Having severe aches, pains, and muscle tension
• Insomnia
• Feeling bloated

Bulimia nervosa, commonly called bulimia, is serious and potentially life-threatening eating disorder. Children with bulimia often tend to secretly binge, eating large amounts of food with a loss of control over their eating, and then try to get rid of the extra calories in an unhealthy way by purging or vomiting the food.

This eating disorder in children makes them want to get rid of calories and prevent weight gain. Kids with bulimia may use various methods like regularly self-inducing vomiting or using laxatives, taking weight-loss supplements, diuretics, or enemas after bingeing. They may also use ways like fasting, strict dieting, or excessive exercise to prevent weight gain.

Children with bulimia get obsessed with their weight and body shape, and may judge themselves severely or harshly for their self-perceived flaws.

Signs and Symptoms
• Constantly counting the number of calories consumed
• An extreme consciousness of one's weight
• Low self-esteem
• Suicidal tendencies
• An irregular menstrual cycle in women
• Regular trips to the bathroom, especially soon after eating
• Anxiety and sleep disorders, depression.
• Overeating.
• The use of laxatives, diuretics, and diet pills.
• Excessive exercising.
• Dry skin, hair, nails, and lips
• Exhaustion or fatigue
• Irregular heartbeat
• Digestive issues

Binge eating refers to the child's eating disorder of overeating. Kids with binge eating disorder usually consume large amounts of food very often and do it in secret, but do not attempt to get rid of calories after overeating.

They lose control over their eating and may feel guilty or embarrassed about their eating habits but are unable to stop themselves from bingeing.

These children can be of average weight, overweight, or obese. This eating disorder in children may cause other mental health problems like depression, as well. Children with an eating disorder of overeating may also have trouble coping with their emotions like anger, sadness, boredom, worry, and stress.

Signs and Symptoms
Binge eating disorder barely has any physical symptoms. Though, this eating disorder in children has psychological symptoms such as:
• Depression
• Anxiety disorder
• Shame or guilt about overeating
• Frequent dieting without weight loss

Children with avoidant/restrictive food intake disorders are unable to eat or deny eating particular foods, based on texture, color, taste, temperature, or aroma. Picky eating and a general disinterest in eating define ARFID the best. This the condition may induce an irrational fear of pain, choking, or vomiting in kids, when they eat.

This eating disorder in children may lead to weight loss, inadequate growth, nutritional deficiencies, and impaired psychosocial functioning such as an inability to eat with others. Unlike anorexia nervosa disorder, the kids with ARFID does not have weight or shape concerns, and there are barely any intentional efforts to lose weight.

Signs and Symptoms
• Lack of vitamins, minerals, and protein in the body
• Inadequate growth
• Delayed puberty
• Being overweight or obese
• Dizziness and fainting due to low blood pressure
• A slow pulse
• Dehydration
• Weak bones and muscles
• Amenorrhea; a condition that stops the mensuration cycle in girls

Rumination eating disorder is a condition in which undigested food is thrown back up from the stomach into the mouth (called regurgitation). The regurgitated food does not tend to taste sour or bitter due to a lack of time to fully mix with stomach acid and get digested. So, the person may chew, swallow, or spit on that food. This behavior may occur after every meal.

A sensation of burping/belching may be felt. There is no nausea or retching. In this child's eating disorder, the food is not regurgitated due to any stomach illness or other sickness. This act of regurgitation can very well be consciously learned or can also be unintentional by the affected kid.

Signs and Symptoms
• Regurgitating and re-chewing food on a regular basis
• Digestive problems
• Dental problems
• Weight loss
• Dry lips

6. PICA EATING DISORDER Pica eating disorder in children refers to craving and chewing substances that have no nutritional value, such as ice, clay, soil, soap, buttons, paper, chalk, dirt, etc. Or they might eat potentially harmful items, such as flakes of dried paint or pieces of metal.

Pica is most commonly witnessed in children and pregnant women. It can last for years, especially in children with intellectual disabilities.


According to medical studies and experts, eating disorders in children fall under the category of the deadliest mental illnesses or psychiatric conditions.

Approximately, 1 in 5 children die from suicide or other eating disorders related complications.

The most common age for the onset of eating disorders in children is between 12-25. Eating disorders are much more common among girls than boys.

Also, Studies show that while girls are more likely to have anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, eating disorders in boys most frequently involve binge eating.


The causes for these eating disorders are mostly unknown; except for they might be hereditary. So prevention is definitely better than cure in this scenario.

A general notion developed in parents about body image is usually passed on to their children. 'How you perceive body image?' is crucial in the development of your child's attitude towards their body image, in their minds. So usually when a parent sees their child putting on weight they fear them struggling with this issue life-long and they tend to reflect their fear on the children. They may also frequently comment on their kid's body weight, which may have an adverse impact.

5 constructive ways to prevent child eating disorders:

1. Influence your child by maintaining healthy body positivity. Use this as an opportunity to develop a healthier relationship with your own body, so you don't perpetuate that feeling of shame and "not good enough" onto another generation.
2. Educate your child about the difference between reels and the real world. Highlight the fact how pervasive these photo-shopping tools are, and how the media presents an unrealistic image of body thinness and unrealistic expectations.
3. Be a role model for healthy eating and exercise habits. A child tends to mirror their parents. So if you promote daily exercise and pick healthy food over the junk in front of them, they would do the same.
4. Stay updated with the latest nutrition. Every second day, new eating items are introduced in the market by different brands. Being aware of the nutritional facts and healthy diet plans for your kid gives you an edge to maintain your child's health.
5. Avoid talking about dieting and preach to your kids about moderate consumption of sweets or sugary food. A balanced diet goes a long way to prevent a child's eating disorder of overeating. Teach them the importance of consuming food in moderation. Eat healthfully yourself and lead by example.

It would be perfect to say; appropriate nutrition is the key to a child's Adequate growth and good mental-physical health.

Eating disorders in children are not just a physical but also a psychological threat. But the good news is that these disorders are treatable. Yet prevention overpowers cure always. The health loss, due to child eating disorders, in growing years can cost your child's proper growth, not to mention the dangers that the severity of eating disorders in children brings along.

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We know what's running in your mind. Go through our most
Frequently asked questions & their answers.
I don't live near your clinic or I live in a different state/country. Can I still join the programme?

It doesn't matter at all where you stay. My programs are available across the globe. I manage my online clients very methodically.

What's the guarantee that I will lose?

If you give me a guarantee that that you will follow like a good student, I will also give you a guarantee that you will lose unless you have an underlying medical history you are not aware of.

And also I can't give you 100% guarantee that you will lose but I give you a guarantee that we will work very closely with you and will find out why the desired weight loss is not coming and will work it out accordingly.

There are so many dieticians available. Why we should join you?

We have built a lot of credibility in the last 10 to 12 years. We are the top most dietitians in North Delhi.

Dt. Divya Gandhi is rated the top most dietitian on Practo. She has held this number 1 spot from the last 8 years.

We got the highest number of reviews and testimonials on Practo and Google which proves that we have the ability to take care of our clients

We have so far catered to 15000 plus clients in the last 8 to 10 years and has delivered a weight loss of 70000 kgs among 15000 plus clients

To validate us to what I have told you right now, while reading this, please write dietitian in North Delhi on Google. You will yourself see that we are the top rated dietition.

She is panellist on many news channel like CNBC, Zee News, India Today.

We have 20 plus celebrities on board Like Rashmi Desai, Tina dutta etc. Will share the list of celebrities.

Our Focus is just not on weight loss, our focus is also what will happen once your weight loss target is met. We will educate you how to maintain the weight you have lost. As this is more important to sustain the amount of weight you have lost. Our association will not end once you have met your desired weight loss objective. We will keep working with you and make you understand how to go back to your lifestyle without gaining weight.

I live in a hostel and cannot cook or have access to cooking only for basic food items. Can I still join the program?

If you are living in a hostel and you get a weekly Menu time-table from the hostel then I will draft a meal based on that time-table and will certainly guide you to pick the best possible healthy options. However, if there is no time-table which is being given to you by the hostel then it becomes very tough to follow a regular diet plan. In that case only one time consultation is enough. Or we might ask you to buy some groceries that don't need any cooking, like milk, curd, cucumber, fruits, etc.

How will you make me lose?

To make our clients lose, we work upon 4 Pillar model i.e. Understanding your Medical History, Blood Group, Current Eating Routine & Home Cooked Food

Blood Group: - Our diets are combinations based plan which will depend upon your blood group, for e.g if your blood group is o + then non veg will suit you more in losing weight. SO this was just an example , blood group pays a major role in drafting the plan.

Medical History: And if you have a medical history, the diet plan will be based on the current medical history. For example if some one has a thyroid. We will not include Brocolli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Beans soya been and Mushrooms. In the similar way we will be drafting the diet plans as per the existing medical history of the client.

Eating Routine :- Your eating routine will play a major role. We will ask you at what time you wake up, what time you take your breakfast, what time you go to office, what you take in evening and will ask you various questions about your existing current routine and then I will try to be as close to your current eating routine before making your plan, I will not twist you that much so that it becomes very tough for you to follow.

Do I need to go to gym n also along with the Diet Plan?

Absolutely not required to go to gym, what's important to get yourself involved in any sort of physical activity like Walking, yoga meditation etc. Losing weight has no connection whether you are going to gym or not. In fact if you are over 100 kgs then it's not recommended to join gym at all. First lose around 15 to 20 kgs and then go ahead and start with your gym training.

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