
How to keep your active kid hydrated?

Posted by Nt. Divya Gandhi   |   Date 09 Feb 2023

Child nutrition comprises numerous elements, from providing energy giving food to healthy drinks for kids and keeping their health in check. But 'Hydration' is one of the most essential health components for both children and adults, for the simple reason that our bodies are made up of approximately 70% water. This fact makes it inevitable to maintain a regular flow of fluids in our body all around the clock, especially significant for active, growing children and teenagers.

While these bundles of energy are at play their bodies lose water throughout the day due to sweating, breathing, and urination, more so in the hot/summer season. Optimum liquid intake is required to replenish this water loss and avoid dehydration. Kids are more prone to dehydration than adults because they may times don't acknowledge their thirst while playing and they are much more exposed to heat than adults.


It is important to know what contributes to a dehydrated state for your growing kid and how that can be recognized, to provide the the right care for your child's nutrition.

Dehydration shows up when your body doesn't have enough water and other fluids to function effectively. If the lost fluids are not replenished with healthy drinks for kids, they get dehydrated. This occurs more in the growing years of children aged between 7-14 years, as they are more active in this age span.

One of the most common causes of dehydration in young children is severe diarrhea and vomiting if they get sick. Mild infections or fever can also lead to dehydration in the body. Excessive sweating and increased urination due to running around while sports or other activities of kids add to it as well.

Symptoms indicating your child could be dehydrated:
• Dizziness or light-headedness
• Nausea
• Headaches
• Infrequent or Dark yellow/brown urine
• Dry lips, tongue, mouth, or throat
• Sticky mouth
• Sleepy and irritable state
• Flushed skin
• Rapid pulse
• Feeling excessively hot or cold


One piece of advice that every parent must adhere to is to encourage their kid to have more fluids. But in the hush-hush and the humdrum of a busy life, while working hard to adopt a healthy lifestyle and nutritious diets, parents unintentionally tend to ignore the importance of encouraging children to drink more water for better health of their child.

As per studies and research by various health organizations; the the recommended intake of water for children as per their age is as follows:




5-8 Years



9 to 12 years



13 years and Above




As kids are swayed by interesting things rather than sticking to repetitive advice that's good for their health, let's look at some creative ways to increase the fluid intake for these flighty and playful minds.

• Keep water bottles, filled with water, handy and in the vicinity of children around the house. Place one, especially in the area your kid spends most of their time.
• Buy bottles for your kids with their favorite characters or cartoon drawn on them. It's more likely to attract them that way.
• Inculcate a habit of serving water or other healthy fluids with your kid's meals or nibbles.
• Lead by example, keeping yourself adequately hydrated is as important as keeping your child hydrated, develop a habit of drinking water and fluids frequently in front of your kid.


Parents around the globe are worried sick to provide their kids with energy-giving food that is healthy and nutrient-rich. What's the best diet for my kid? What are the best options available in food and drinks for a healthy diet? These are a few pressing issues that form an integral part of a parent's life on a regular basis.

How about a cursive look at the most important nutrients required for active and growing kids, especially between the ages of 7-14 years.

1. Calcium
Calcium is a major component in aiding the development of bones and teeth. The more bone density your child has now, the more reserves they'll have when bone loss begins in later years.

Calcium-rich foods: Milk, cheese, and other dairies products, dark green leafy vegetables such as okra, bread or anything with fortified flour.

2. Iron
Kids between the ages of 7-14 years require at least 8-10mg of iron intake daily. Our body utilizes iron to make hemoglobin, which is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body. Iron also helps make myoglobin, a protein that provides oxygen to muscles. The formation of some hormones also requires iron intake.

Sources of iron: Spinach, red meats, legumes, shellfish, pumpkin seeds, nuts, dried apricots, chickpeas, kidney beans.

3. Fiber
Energy-giving foods that are high in fiber also usually contain many essential nutrients, like Vitamins C and E, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Children require almost equal amount of fiber as adults, even when the size of an adult and child varies.

Fiber-rich foods: Lentils, almonds, Fruits like pears, apples, strawberries, bananas, avocados, and vegetables like broccoli, beets, carrots, beans like chickpeas, kidney beans, Cereals like oats, and quinoa.

4. Vitamin B and B12
Vitamin B promotes cell health, growth of blood cells, energy levels, eyesight, brain function, effective digestion, appetite, and proper nerve functioning. So a proper intake of vitamin B helps ensure a healthy heart, fast metabolism, high energy, and healthy nervous system. One of the most important B vitamins is B12.

Vitamin B12 Food Sources: B12 mostly is obtained from milk or dairy products, meats, and eggs.

5. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential for bone growth and development in children, and even for a baby developing in the mother's womb. Vitamin D helps us absorb calcium in our bodies. Serious vitamin D deficiency in children can cause severe problems like rickets, delayed motor development, etc. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, Babies and children require at least 400 IU of vitamin D.

Vitamin D food sources: Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and egg yolks are excellent sources of vitamin D. Also fortified milk and cereals, and red meats are a good source.

6. Vitamin E: Vitamin E helps strengthen the natural defense system of the body against illnesses and infections, which is the immune system. This vitamin is also well known for helping maintain healthy skin and eyes.

Food sources for Vitamin E: Almonds, Sunflower seeds, peanuts, pumpkin, sunflower oil, soybean oil, safflower oil, red bell peppers, spinach.


Consuming plenty of fluids before sports or playing outdoors is a must for growing and active children. A fluid schedule can help them get their water intake or optimum hydration before, during, and after their energy-sapping games or activities.

As it is truly said, "Water is the elixir of life", water and milk or milk alternatives should be a staple in your child's nutrition to replace the water loss from the body during the day. Children are far more attracted to flavored liquids than plain water or milk. So parents need to amp up their game when it comes to choosing energy-giving food or healthy drinks for kids. There are various interesting alternatives to fulfill this need. Selecting healthy drinks for kids can be challenging, so here are some healthy options:

Flavored milk – Milk is an excellent source of calcium and other nutrients. Milk protein is of high nutritional value because it is enriched with vitamin B, as well as small amounts of vitamins C and D. It also contains all the essential amino acids. Adding a hint of your kid's favorite flavor in their glass of milk can go a long way to add this healthy drink to your child's nutrition.

Fresh Juices – Freshly extracted or homemade juice is a good alternative to plain water. Fruits are energy-giving food and contain an array of healthy vitamins to boost your child's health.

Energy Drinks – Coconut water is a natural energy-boosting drink that also aids in increasing the white blood cells in the body. It is a rich source of magnesium. Magnesium helps move calcium and potassium into the muscles and it also helps with energy production and organ function.

Infused water– There are abundant health benefits of consuming infused water including appetite control, hydration, immune defense, heartburn prevention, blood sugar regulation and weight management. You can infuse the water with different fruits to make these healthy drinks for kids.

A nutritious diet stashed with energy-giving food is fuel for your growing children, who want to conquer the world with their enthusiasm and energy while they are making their way to adulthood. Hydration is the way to keep the road to that journey smooth. The right choice of health drinks for kids ensures they stay hydrated and healthy with their hyperactive lifestyles.

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Frequently asked questions & their answers.
I don't live near your clinic or I live in a different state/country. Can I still join the programme?

It doesn't matter at all where you stay. My programs are available across the globe. I manage my online clients very methodically.

What's the guarantee that I will lose?

If you give me a guarantee that that you will follow like a good student, I will also give you a guarantee that you will lose unless you have an underlying medical history you are not aware of.

And also I can't give you 100% guarantee that you will lose but I give you a guarantee that we will work very closely with you and will find out why the desired weight loss is not coming and will work it out accordingly.

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We have built a lot of credibility in the last 10 to 12 years. We are the top most dietitians in North Delhi.

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She is panellist on many news channel like CNBC, Zee News, India Today.

We have 20 plus celebrities on board Like Rashmi Desai, Tina dutta etc. Will share the list of celebrities.

Our Focus is just not on weight loss, our focus is also what will happen once your weight loss target is met. We will educate you how to maintain the weight you have lost. As this is more important to sustain the amount of weight you have lost. Our association will not end once you have met your desired weight loss objective. We will keep working with you and make you understand how to go back to your lifestyle without gaining weight.

I live in a hostel and cannot cook or have access to cooking only for basic food items. Can I still join the program?

If you are living in a hostel and you get a weekly Menu time-table from the hostel then I will draft a meal based on that time-table and will certainly guide you to pick the best possible healthy options. However, if there is no time-table which is being given to you by the hostel then it becomes very tough to follow a regular diet plan. In that case only one time consultation is enough. Or we might ask you to buy some groceries that don't need any cooking, like milk, curd, cucumber, fruits, etc.

How will you make me lose?

To make our clients lose, we work upon 4 Pillar model i.e. Understanding your Medical History, Blood Group, Current Eating Routine & Home Cooked Food

Blood Group: - Our diets are combinations based plan which will depend upon your blood group, for e.g if your blood group is o + then non veg will suit you more in losing weight. SO this was just an example , blood group pays a major role in drafting the plan.

Medical History: And if you have a medical history, the diet plan will be based on the current medical history. For example if some one has a thyroid. We will not include Brocolli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Beans soya been and Mushrooms. In the similar way we will be drafting the diet plans as per the existing medical history of the client.

Eating Routine :- Your eating routine will play a major role. We will ask you at what time you wake up, what time you take your breakfast, what time you go to office, what you take in evening and will ask you various questions about your existing current routine and then I will try to be as close to your current eating routine before making your plan, I will not twist you that much so that it becomes very tough for you to follow.

Do I need to go to gym n also along with the Diet Plan?

Absolutely not required to go to gym, what's important to get yourself involved in any sort of physical activity like Walking, yoga meditation etc. Losing weight has no connection whether you are going to gym or not. In fact if you are over 100 kgs then it's not recommended to join gym at all. First lose around 15 to 20 kgs and then go ahead and start with your gym training.

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