Understanding Abdominal Fat & Its Impact on Health

Understanding Abdominal Fat & Its Impact on Health

Posted by Nt. Divya Gandhi   |   Date 05 May 2024

Does Abdominal Fat Cause Major Health Risks?
Almost everyone has abdominal fat and few do anything to solve it!
In the days when OTT had not taken over the world, there was a series of advertisements by a famous green tea brand focusing on belly fat. While the premise was problematic, we cannot ignore the hidden danger of abdominal fat being showcased through the visuals.

So, what is Abdominal Fat or Abdominal Obesity?
Understanding Abdominal Fat & Its Impact on Health
According to the National Library of Medicine, it is defined as an excess deposit of fats in the abdominal region and is a common health condition seen in South Asians. Let's break this down to understand it better!

  • Abdominal fat is also known as visceral fat or Abdominal Obesity
  • It's the kind of fat that is saturated deep within the abdominal cavity
  • It surrounds vital organs like the liver, pancreas, and intestines.
  • It poses a greater risk to health due to its proximity to internal organs.
  • The waist circumference ratio is 102 cm for men, 88 cm for women.
  • The waist-to-hip ratio is 0.95 for men, 0.88 for women
Now, you don't need to be a medical student to understand the importance of properly functioning internal organs such as the liver, pancreas, and intestines. However, this kind of fat is particularly easy to put on and immensely difficult to shed putting a vast majority of the population at risk!
If you feel you may have excess abdominal fat,  we're here to create a personalized diet plan for you!
Understanding Abdominal Fat & Its Impact on Health
So, what factors increase the risk of Abdominal Obesity?
Many intermingling challenges are creating this vicious cycle however we will attempt to break it down into several easy-to-understand factors:
-Sugary foods and beverages- Foods high in added sugars such as flavored yogurts, cereals, granolas, pre-packaged, sweetened beverages, and other processed foods are high in calories and sugar, with no nutritional value.
-Alcohol- Alcohol, red wine in particular is high in calories and sugar, increases appetite, decreases fat oxidation, and increases cortisol leading to higher chances of abdominal fat storage.
-Trans fats- Often found in baked products and packaged foods cause a redistribution of fat tissue into the abdomen. Trans fat is formed when food manufacturers turn liquid oils into solid fats like shortening and hard margarine by adding hydrogen.
-Sedentary lifestyle- Activities such as sitting or lying down constantly increase the abdominal fat deposits that can be burned off with a daily dose of 30 minutes of exercise every day.
There are also other factors such as low protein diets, menopause, the wrong gut bacteria, stress levels, low fiber diets, genetics, lack of sleep, smoking, and many more which further complicate the situation.
If you feel you're dealing with any of these challenges due to excessive Abdominal Obesity, we're here to create a personalized diet plan for you!
Understanding Abdominal Fat & Its Impact on Health
Now, that we know what causes it, let's take a look at the health risks associated with abdominal fat or abdominal obesity:
-Asthma: Abdominal Obesity causes systemic inflammation, a key factor in asthma development as the adipose tissue around the abdomen releases pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-alpha and IL-6, exacerbating airway inflammation. This excess abdominal fat alters respiratory mechanics, leading to decreased lung function and increased airway hyperresponsiveness, that are both triggers of asthma.
-Cancer: Abdominal obesity is associated with insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, which can stimulate cell proliferation and inhibit apoptosis, promoting tumor growth and progression. Adipose tissue secretes hormones such as leptin and estrogen, which can promote cell proliferation and angiogenesis, contributing to the development of hormone-related cancers like breast and endometrial cancer
Dementia: Excess abdominal fat is linked to insulin resistance and dysregulation of glucose metabolism, which are key factors in the development of dementia. It is also linked to chronic low-grade inflammation, increased production of inflammatory cytokines, and releases of adipokines such as leptin and adiponectin, that regulate neuronal function and synaptic plasticity. Dysregulation due to abdominal obesity may contribute to neuronal dysfunction and the onset of dementia.
Hypertension- Excess abdominal fat increases the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, leading to endothelial dysfunction and arterial stiffness, key drivers of hypertension. It also leads to insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, which promote sodium retention and sympathetic nervous system activation raising blood pressure.
Diabetes- Excess abdominal fat triggers insulin resistance and impairs glucose metabolism. it increases the levels of free fatty acids, which interfere with insulin signaling and promote gluconeogenesis, contributing to hyperglycemia and insulin resistance. It also disrupts insulin sensitivity and pancreatic beta-cell function, increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Hypercholesterolemia- Adipose tissue is metabolically active and releases pro-inflammatory cytokines and adipokines, which promote hepatic cholesterol synthesis and inhibit LDL receptor activity. Excess abdominal fat causes elevated levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, contributing to hypercholesterolemia.
Cardiovascular disease- Excess abdominal fat promotes atherogenic dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, and systemic inflammation. It is also closely linked to metabolic syndrome, hypertension, and dyslipidemia.  Adipose tissue secretes inflammatory cytokines and adipokines, contributing to endothelial dysfunction, arterial stiffness, and plaque formation all key factors in cardiovascular diseases.
There are also other dangers such as Joint and Lower Back Pains, Hyperuricemia, Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome, Stroke, and many more!
If you feel you're dealing with any of these challenges due to excessive Abdominal Obesity, we're here to create a personalized diet plan for you!
Understanding Abdominal Fat & Its Impact on Health
So, what can one do to solve this?
-Increasing fiber intake- Particularly soluble fiber found in foods like oats, legumes, and fruits, not only aids in weight loss by promoting satiety but also plays a crucial role in reducing abdominal fat. Incorporating these fiber-rich foods into your daily meals can help regulate digestion, improve metabolic function, and contribute to a healthier weight management journey.
-Balanced Diet- Choosing foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins and reducing intake of processed foods and added sugars can effectively reduce abdominal fat. By prioritizing nutrient-dense foods and minimizing processed options and added sugars, you're not only supporting your efforts to trim abdominal fat but also nurturing your body with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for optimal health.
-Limiting alcohol consumption- Reducing or limiting alcohol consumption can reduce abdominal obesity and visceral fat accumulation. By moderating alcohol consumption, you're not only lowering your risk of weight gain but also supporting better liver function and metabolic health.
-Consuming protein-rich foods- Increasing satiety, preserving lean muscle mass, boosting metabolic rate, and supporting overall fat loss, protein-rich foods like lean meats, fish, tofu, and legumes can be valuable in the reduction of Abdominal Obesity.
-Incorporating healthy fats- Such as those found in avocados, nuts, and olive oil, into the diet can promote feelings of satiety, enhancing fat metabolism, and providing essential fatty acids, these nutritious fats play a vital role in supporting overall health and achieving a more balanced body composition.
-Ensuring adequate sleep- Short sleep duration and poor sleep quality are associated with higher levels of visceral adiposity and increased risk of obesity-related metabolic disorders. By aiming for 7-9 hours of restorative sleep each night, you're not only supporting optimal hormonal balance and metabolic function but also minimizing stress-induced cravings and promoting overall well-being.
-Stress management- Mindfulness meditation and yoga can help lower cortisol levels and mitigate stress-induced overeating thereby reducing abdominal fat. By lowering cortisol levels, mitigating stress-induced overeating, and promoting a sense of calm and balance, these mind-body practices can be powerful tools in your arsenal against abdominal fat.
-Portion control- A caloric deficit through portion control and mindful eating is crucial for reducing abdominal fat. By tuning into your body's hunger and fullness cues, savoring each bite, and practicing moderation, you can enjoy a satisfying and nourishing diet while effectively managing abdominal fat.
-Consistency and long-term adherence- Pay attention to the importance of gradual, sustainable changes in diet and exercise habits for achieving and maintaining healthy body composition and abdominal fat levels over time
Regular physical activity- Including aerobic exercises and strength training plays a crucial role in reducing abdominal fat and promoting a healthier lifestyle. Remember, it's not just about quick fixes—it's about making lifestyle choices that support your long-term health and well-being.
For more such tips, we're here to create a personalized diet plan for you!

Abdominal obesity is a major challenge in many countries today, especially in India. However, it is not the end of the journey. Help is around the corner in the form of dieticians who specialize in dealing with these exact challenges.
Take your health into your own hands. Take control by adopting lifestyle changes that target abdominal fat and reduce your risk of chronic disease. Consult a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized guidance and support on your journey to better health.
Remember, we're here for you!

We know what's running in your mind. Go through our most
Frequently asked questions & their answers.
I don't live near your clinic or I live in a different state/country. Can I still join the programme?

It doesn't matter at all where you stay. My programs are available across the globe. I manage my online clients very methodically.

What's the guarantee that I will lose?

If you give me a guarantee that that you will follow like a good student, I will also give you a guarantee that you will lose unless you have an underlying medical history you are not aware of.

And also I can't give you 100% guarantee that you will lose but I give you a guarantee that we will work very closely with you and will find out why the desired weight loss is not coming and will work it out accordingly.

There are so many dieticians available. Why we should join you?

We have built a lot of credibility in the last 10 to 12 years. We are the top most dietitians in North Delhi.

Dt. Divya Gandhi is rated the top most dietitian on Practo. She has held this number 1 spot from the last 8 years.

We got the highest number of reviews and testimonials on Practo and Google which proves that we have the ability to take care of our clients

We have so far catered to 15000 plus clients in the last 8 to 10 years and has delivered a weight loss of 70000 kgs among 15000 plus clients

To validate us to what I have told you right now, while reading this, please write dietitian in North Delhi on Google. You will yourself see that we are the top rated dietition.

She is panellist on many news channel like CNBC, Zee News, India Today.

We have 20 plus celebrities on board Like Rashmi Desai, Tina dutta etc. Will share the list of celebrities.

Our Focus is just not on weight loss, our focus is also what will happen once your weight loss target is met. We will educate you how to maintain the weight you have lost. As this is more important to sustain the amount of weight you have lost. Our association will not end once you have met your desired weight loss objective. We will keep working with you and make you understand how to go back to your lifestyle without gaining weight.

I live in a hostel and cannot cook or have access to cooking only for basic food items. Can I still join the program?

If you are living in a hostel and you get a weekly Menu time-table from the hostel then I will draft a meal based on that time-table and will certainly guide you to pick the best possible healthy options. However, if there is no time-table which is being given to you by the hostel then it becomes very tough to follow a regular diet plan. In that case only one time consultation is enough. Or we might ask you to buy some groceries that don't need any cooking, like milk, curd, cucumber, fruits, etc.

How will you make me lose?

To make our clients lose, we work upon 4 Pillar model i.e. Understanding your Medical History, Blood Group, Current Eating Routine & Home Cooked Food

Blood Group: - Our diets are combinations based plan which will depend upon your blood group, for e.g if your blood group is o + then non veg will suit you more in losing weight. SO this was just an example , blood group pays a major role in drafting the plan.

Medical History: And if you have a medical history, the diet plan will be based on the current medical history. For example if some one has a thyroid. We will not include Brocolli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Beans soya been and Mushrooms. In the similar way we will be drafting the diet plans as per the existing medical history of the client.

Eating Routine :- Your eating routine will play a major role. We will ask you at what time you wake up, what time you take your breakfast, what time you go to office, what you take in evening and will ask you various questions about your existing current routine and then I will try to be as close to your current eating routine before making your plan, I will not twist you that much so that it becomes very tough for you to follow.

Do I need to go to gym n also along with the Diet Plan?

Absolutely not required to go to gym, what's important to get yourself involved in any sort of physical activity like Walking, yoga meditation etc. Losing weight has no connection whether you are going to gym or not. In fact if you are over 100 kgs then it's not recommended to join gym at all. First lose around 15 to 20 kgs and then go ahead and start with your gym training.

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